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“I hope they don’t hate me”, says Lukyanuk after car repaired for ERC counter

Thursday, 02. 05. 2019 - 09:31, Public relations   

“I hope they don’t hate me”, says Lukyanuk after car repaired for ERC counter

Alexey Lukyanuk has paid tribute to his Saintéloc Junior Team for the job it has done to ready his Citroën C3 R5 for this week’s Rally Islas Canarias.




The three-time event winner and FIA European Rally champion crashed his original C3 R5 on the Azores Rallye to the point only some parts of the car could be salvaged.

“The car received a huge damage to the bodyshell, which needed replacing,” Lukyanuk explained. “Luckily there was no major damage to the powertrain or engine. Work like this takes time but the team know their job and the car looks like new now. I am really proud for my team. They did a good job and I hope they don’t hate me too much for what happened!”


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