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al-Wahaibi  Hamed

al-Wahaibi Hamed

Štát: Anglicko Anglicko
Dátum narodenia: 20. 2. 1968
Disciplína: Rally, Rally, WRC

Rallying for Arabia is the slogan Hamed wears in his helmet, a testament to his middle-Eastern background.

Hamed started motorsports with motorcycles while studying in United States. After injuring himself in an accident he gave that up and later started circuit racing. In his native Oman the only available form of circuit racing was karting and that does not carry very far for a motorsport enthusiast.

Rallying was another possibility and in 1996 Hamed acquired Peugeot 205 GTI as his first rally car. Already next year he was starting WRC events in Group N Lancer, finishing 5th in Production Car Cup in 1998 and 2nd in following year. Results were quite good but his age and lack of really breath-taking performances have prevented Hamed of getting official works drive.

WRC starts: 41
first: Great Britain 1997
latest: Australia 2005
Results wins: 0 (0.0% of starts)
second places: 0
third places: 0
total podiums: 0 (0.0% of starts)
points finishes: 0
total points scored: 0 (drivers' championship points)
DNF's: 17 (41.5% of starts)
Stage wins: 0
Best result: 8th (Safari 1999: 1st in N4)

First WRC event: 1997 Great Britain
First DNF: 1998 Australia
First scored point: no points scored
First stage win: no SS wins
First time led rally: has not led
First podium: no podium finishes
First win: no wins

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