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Franceschi keeping realistic ahead of second ERC3 Junior win bid

Tuesday, 21. 05. 2019 - 19:31, Public relations   

Franceschi keeping realistic ahead of second ERC3 Junior win bid

Jean-Baptiste Franceschi is keeping his expectations ahead of next week’s Rally Liepāja firmly in check.

Despite his standout debut victory in the FIA ERC3 Junior Championship, Franceschi admits he has plenty to learn ahead of the action getting underway next Friday afternoon.


“It’s a very special event, especially for me because I’m really not used to the fast roads we will find,” said Franceschi, who will drive an M-Sport-built Ford Fiesta R2T in Latvia. “I know it won’t be easy to be in front of the other drivers but we will prepare as well as we can.

Franceschi is due to complete a two-day testing leading up to Rally Liepāja. “I will do two days of testing, which will be perfect for me to help me learn,” said the French talent. “The objective is to be in the fight for the victory but let’s see.”


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