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ERC’s Stengg hoping for lucky break on favourite gravel rally

Thursday, 23. 05. 2019 - 15:31, Public relations   

ERC’s Stengg hoping for lucky break on favourite gravel rally

Roland Stengg wants his luck to change on the FIA ERC3 Junior Championship-counting Rally Liepāja, which he describes as his favourite event on gravel.

Austrian Stengg has endured a frustrating start to his second season in the Pirelli-supported category, non-starting in the Azores following a testing crash and non-finishing in Gran Canaria due to car failure.


Despite his tough run, the driver and joint principal of Stengg Motorsport is keeping positive ahead of his Latvian adventure.

“Rally Liepāja is my favourite gravel event of the season,” he said. “The wide and fast roads are fun and challenging. The goal for us is to get under one second per kilometre to the top guys which is extremely hard because of their experience on the surface. Unfortunately, we can’t test before so our first metres will be the Free Practice on Friday.”


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